
long island city, queens: tank full, yimby empty

The Heiress Nicole

August 29, 2022

I mean, you did inherit property, Nicole A. Murray.

And you admitted you were a landlord.

Until you got rid of the property you inherited.

How it started:


How it’s going:

the heiress apparent



Maybe use some of that profit from the sale of the property you inherited, a fraction of it in fact, to pay for your own father’s dental care.



Remember, Nicole: you had made up an entire thread directly accusing me (who is neither heir nor property owner) of buying and hoarding units in Lower Manhattan.


My fav tweet in that thread, though, is the one where you accuse me of having a “victim complex😤🍼😫” over the destruction of Penn Station, an event which literally spurred the creation of the Landmarks Preservation Commission in New York City after global outcry over the demolition.



But sure, sure, Nicole: I wasn’t born yet but it is ~*totally*~ my own fault and happened in a tiny vaccum, nothing to see here.

Just know that when you lie, DSA leadership, people notice.


And when you repeatedly use your father’s teeth to victim complex your own high-earning self, people notice.

Every time.


Going private (🐣) when called out on lies and hypocrisy = the DSA yimby way.

The person who regularly tells other folks to “eat shit” and “shut the fuck up” is now claiming victimhood, from her safe small and private bubble, because her very own words tripped her own self up.

And it ain’t slander if you wrote it by yourself about yourself, Einstein: it’s karma catching up to you.



the heiress starts over🥺😭

8 responses to “The Heiress Nicole”

  1. These luxury housing people in DSA in Queens are worse than Donald Manes ever was.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Concerned Black Native NYer Avatar
    Concerned Black Native NYer

    She’s on the Transportation Committee for Community Board 2 in Brooklyn. She’s insufferable and has a very “matter of fact” type attitude, talks down to long time residents, and likes to pretend to speak for the entire neighborhood in CB meetings and on Twitter, especially when it comes to this “Open Streets” crap on Willoughby Ave., which just about every resident on Willoughby has come out AGAINST.

    Funny story, on one of the more recent Transportation Committee Meetings she said that we should all be in favor of “Open Streets” because it’s “the Mayor’s program”.

    Methinks she does not understand that the purpose of Community Boards are to advocate on behalf of the residents of the communities they represent…not to carry out the whims of City Agencies (DOT) or the Mayor.

    Too bad the people who have lived here for decades don’t care for her views as much as she thinks they do.

    She’s a good example of how some people from her generation (which ironically is mine since we’re around the same age) live in a complete bubble when it comes to the very places they grow up in, and it becomes even more evident when they try to cosplay as Socialists.

    She’s also a good example of how certain people shouldn’t serve on CBs because they tend to push their own political views on the entire community, with the belief that being elected to a CB give you some sort of mandate…

    She and Brian Howald are out of their depth and should probably explore other avenues for community involvement, but it looks like they have their eyes on a future gig as a City Council Member…bleh..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My post “Yimby Stomach” (https://fuelgrannie.com/2022/06/05/yimby-stomach/) addresses how Open New York members/allies are deliberately infiltrating community boards, assisted by pols like Brad Lander, so they can attempt to dismantle the boards. But the rest of us see that grift for what it is; visibility is a yimby’s worst nightmare. Nicole is a sad, angry and unpopular bully: she would never win any election in NYC; she’s hated by too many people who live here to ever have any successful political career.


      1. I can see Nicole Murray winning. Just look at how Lincoln Restler won. Bullies get ahead in politics while good people finish last. Left leaning people want THEIR OWN bully now that the right wing has their bully in Trump and DeSantis.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah but then look at District 10’s Carlina Rivera, who was the sole “endorsed😤🍼😫” candidate by Open New York: Rivera failed miserably, proving that hitching your wagon to ONY’s, ah, star ain’t necessarily the formula for winning https://fuelgrannie.com/2022/08/22/sven-carlos-thypin/

          And one specific problem with Nicole is her long reputation for telling people to “shut the fuck up” and to “eat shit:” that attitude will never garner votes in this town.


    2. Community boards are political cover for elected officials. But no one wants to say that out loud. Community boards sometimes represent the community, other times they don’t. Queens CB7 is full of people who aren’t exactly activists, but Queens CB11 is much tougher to deal with from a developer perspective.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. To be fair, Carlina Rivera has a base in the LES and won the council primary last year there. For example in Queens, Austin Shafran is a douchebag that NE Queens progressive adjacent people love, has the same flippant jerk attitude that Nicole Murray has and nearly won against Paul Vallone in 2013. I also think there is a decent chance Sara Lind would do better if she ran for council in CD6 in 2029.


  4. Sam D Virgin Urbanist Avatar
    Sam D Virgin Urbanist

    Nicole has a boyfriend? Her boyfriend definitely cannot be an urbanist. I can’t even get my foote in the door when it comes to YIMBY urbanist females and too many urbanists are incels like me. Her boyfriend must be a non urbanist jerk who’s only in it to get laid.


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